Start Events - White Rabbit Spiel’24 Sorcery: Contested Realm Special – Arthurian Legends Sealed Deck Event & ODE Draft Events (05.10.2024)

Spiel’24 Sorcery: Contested Realm Special – Arthurian Legends Sealed Deck Event & ODE Draft Events (05.10.2024)

Dear All,

We are absolutely thrilled to be a part of Arthurian Legends World Premiere events at the Spiel’24!

Welcoming Sorcery: Contested Realm enthusiasts old and young, new and experienced, loving the elite art as well as enjoying the collectability and gameplay from around the world to the events in our venues on this occasion is an extraordinary honor to us.

Joining forces with the team of Erik’s Curiosa and international artists and content creators we are positive this will be a series of events to be remembered as formidable and, well, unique! This extended weekend shall set a new mark in the books of cardboard history, not only in ours but in everyone’s attending and enjoying a truly exceptional time together evolving around all things Sorcery!

Kind regards,
the White Rabbit Team

Event Type: Sealed Deck Tournament  |  On-Demand Draft Events
Event Date: 1-Day-Event(s) on 5 Oktober 2024
Capacity: 64 players
Live stream: Yes
Gameplay Information: 6-Pack Sealed Deck Event, no Play-Offs, max. 6 Rounds |  3-Pack Draft Events, 8 Players per Pod, 3 Rounds  |  All events are casual, played to honor the Once and Future King!

A.) Sealed Deck Tournament

-> Direct Ticket Link <-


  • 09:30 Doors Open
  • 10:00 Player’s Meeting
  • 10:15 Start Deckbuilding
  • 11:15 Start Round 1

Ticket Price: 45 €, including 6 Packs of Arthurian Legends plus prizes


Place Prize Boosters (Arthurian Legends) PCG Standard Grading Voucher
1st 24 1
2nd 12 1
3rd/4th 6 1
5th – 8th 3
9th+ 2

Additional prizing might be announced at a later point of time.

Tickets are availaible in our webshop. Quantity of tickets is limited.

B.) On-Demand Draft Events


  • 15:00 Player’s Meeting Draft No. 1
  • Additional Draft events will be organized and started according to demand

Ticket Price: 25 €, including 3 Packs of Arthurian Legends plus prizes


Prize Boosters (Arthurian Legends)
3 4
2 2
1 1
0 1

Tickets will be available on-site.

Further details will be added as soon as they are final and confirmed.

We strongly recommend subscribing to the YouTube channels of Cardboard Guide and Nerd and Proud Of It to stay informed about the start of the ticket sales for the Sealed Deck Event.

Wichtige Hinweise zum Datenschutz:
Auf dieser Veranstaltung werden Foto- und Videoaufnahmen erstellt. Diese werden auf unseren Internetseiten und/oder auf von uns genutzten Social Media Plattformen (z.B. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube) veröffentlicht sowie zu Werbezwecken genutzt, wodurch sie weltweit abrufbar sind. Diese Verarbeitung dient der Wahrung unseres berechtigten Interesses an Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Dokumentation im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. A DSGVO. Mit deiner Teilnahme erklärst du dich mit einer Veröffentlichung der Aufnahmen zu den oben genannten Zwecken einverstanden.


05. Okt.. 2024


09:30 - 21:30


White Rabbit Community Game Store Essen
White Rabbit Community Game Store Essen
Segerothstraße 79, 45141 Essen


White Rabbit Community Game Store Essen
0201 289 575 50

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